Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 42 ~ Kitties

We've been  babying the kitties for the past few days and letting them spend more time inside.  Why?  Well, my husband thought it was time for the kitties to lose their manhood.  So the other day after work, one of my husband's friends came over and helped my husband do the deed.  He figured he's castrated calves and pigs, so why not a cat?  I only allowed him to do the black kitty so we could make sure he healed well before taking care of the other one.  He'll have his turn soon.  And the black kitty is healing very well and he isn't even mad at us :)  Who needs a vet in the country!

Camera: NIKON D70s
Time of Day: 10:45 am
Mode: Aperture Priority
Aperture: f/5
Shutter Speed: 1/6 sec
ISO: 200
Focal Length: 65 mm
Flash Mode: None
Image Alterations: I cropped the photo and adjusted the levels.

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